Title V Permit Applications
Professional environmental support for Title V requires far more than preparation of the proper state forms. LEAF begins with an assessment of a facility's current and planned operations and works with our clients to assess business and operational needs against permitting requirements. In many cases, a plant does not need a Title V permit, and can meet its true operational needs with a less costly permit classification, such as a synthetic minor (consolidated major) or small classification permit. LEAF evaluates the facility's true needs in conjunction with a client's business needs and discusses the options, advantages and disadvantages from operational, compliance and cost aspects with a client. For those clients that require a Title V, or whose best option is to be a Title V source, LEAF provides a full range of expert support in preparation of a Title V application, such as illustrated by the following selected project summaries.
LEAF's engineers have an extensive experience level in Title V permitting. Engineers on our staff have prepared Title V applications for over 15 major manufacturing facilities, representing the plastics, furniture, tobacco, textile, utilities, lumber, and equipment manufacturing industries in the southeast. In addition, our staff's intricate working knowledge of Title V requirements has assisted numerous facilities in minimizing regulatory impacts by making operational and/or production modifications to avoid Title V permitting thresholds.
Selected project summaries for Title V applications can be accessed here (pdf).